The dressing room is the place where our numerous jackets, trousers, shirts, dresses, blouses, sweaters, socks and many other items of everyday clothing are stored. It is difficult to imagine at least one interior without such a place - clothes need to be stored somewhere? However, dressing rooms are completely different: large and small, in the form of a whole dedicated room or one closet, combined with a room for another purpose or isolated. In connection with such a variety, a logical question arises: how do you deal with the allocation of space for a wardrobe? How much space to allocate? What room should I put it in? How to plan the internal structure? Find answers to all these questions in this article.
It is worth starting the solution of the “dressing room” issue by studying ourselves, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Think carefully and answer a few questions for yourself: how many family members live with you, how many clothes do you use, do you have a spacious apartment, etc. The more family members, the longer the list of clothes and the more spacious the apartment, the more spacious the wardrobe itself should be. In such cases, it can even fit in a separate room - an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 square meters. m. should be enough for a family of 4 people. If you live alone, it makes sense to think not about a separate room, but about structures like a closet with sliding doors. It will save extra space, while still being roomy enough for 1-2 people's clothes. In some cases, the cabinet can even be built into a niche in the wall, so that the space is freed up even better, and its geometric component is not disturbed.
In some cases, the layout of the dressing room is carried out in an isolated and specially designed room, however, in small living quarters, the allocation of an entire room for a wardrobe is impractical and generally impossible. Therefore, the layout of the dressing room can be combined with the layout of another room - for example, a bedroom. To give intimate privacy to the place for clothes, you can additionally install a partition, thereby dividing the bedroom space into two parts - the bed itself and the dressing area.
The dressing room must be decorated in the same style. Most often, light colors are chosen for the walls in it - with them it is easier to determine the clothes for the absence of flaws in the fit. Shelves, cabinets, bedside tables and a mirror - everything should go flush with the overall given color. In this regard, dressing rooms with a wood finish are especially good: they are not only able to set an acceptable color for a room with clothes, but also an interesting texture.
Next is the dilemma of the interior design of the dressing room. If this is a room, then in addition to a closet with clothes, shelves and sometimes a shoe rack, you need to place a mirror (preferably full-length), as well as a chair or ottoman for easy dressing. If the layout involves only the formal presence of a dressing room (like a large closet with clothes), you can refuse the chair.
A few suggestions about the interior of the closet with clothes. Here an important concept of the levels of the shelves in the closet is introduced - in total there are three main levels on which different types of clothes are located depending on their purpose: the first level, at a height of up to 60 cm from the floor, is intended for shoes, household appliances, and accessories; the second, located at a height of 60 to 180-190 cm - the level at which the main elements of clothing for everyday wear are located; and, finally, the third level, at a height of 180 (190) cm, is a storehouse for seasonal and/or rarely worn clothes. You need to think carefully about how much space should be allocated on each level for your entire wardrobe, and draw the appropriate conclusions - how many shelves to install, at what level and what to place, etc. Inside the wardrobe, things can both lie on the shelves and hang - as a result you should also consider the number of hangers you need for your clothes.
Finally, it is worth saying a few words about the materials used. There is a wide range of possible solutions for creating a dressing room - their choice depends on the preferences of the owner himself and the features of the installation of the dressing room. The most popular option is a dressing room made of wood - the cheapest and easily fit into any interior material. It is possible to install a dressing room with a transparent glass facade - however, this option is only suitable if you live alone or if the wardrobe is planned in a private room - for example, in a bedroom. Finally, the wardrobe can actively use textile materials - such a solution is also universal in its functionality, but may not suit every style of interior. Otherwise, the choice lies entirely on the shoulders of the chooser.
Choosing a dressing room and planning a room for it is a complex and entertaining process. It is a full-fledged element of the overall interior, so you can not be indifferent to the issue of its installation. Therefore, in order to overcome all difficulties in choosing a "dwelling for clothes", one should carefully listen to the advice of knowledgeable people, and sometimes be sensitive to one's own thoughts. Who knows - maybe you yourself will come up with an interesting idea for introducing a dressing room into your apartment?