The home partner is a very interesting and confusing topic. However, no matter what it is - whether it is your spouse, a dog or a cat, or even an ordinary houseplant - it always needs the appropriate conditions. If you live in the same apartment with someone, then you must be sure of the comfort of the home for everyone in it. However, it is not for nothing that the city is called the concrete jungle - here the conditions for survival are especially difficult, especially if we consider the plants. Dirty air, dry atmosphere, unstable temperatures - all these factors do not allow a large number of plants to grow in an urban dwelling. How to choose such a green friend so that he can overcome all these difficulties and delight you with his fresh look for a long time?
When choosing houseplants, two aspects should be taken into account in the first place - unpretentiousness in care and limited growth. Unpretentious plants are the most resistant, and that is why they are the best guarantee to their owner to stay with him for many years, only if he does not forget about them forever. Limited growth is the condition that will allow the plant to fit into any interior. Of course, there are quite large apartments where putting a small palm tree will not be a problem. But such a tree will require a different approach, more effort to care for it. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to "window" plants.
The first thing that comes to mind after some time of thought is, of course, cacti. They are extremely picky, require minimal maintenance, and in addition fit into many interior styles. Their only drawback is their inconspicuousness. However, cacti, after all, can be very beautiful during the flowering period, which is why their owner will lose a little in terms of aesthetic appearance. They should be watered no more than once a week, in winter this frequency can be further reduced. Cactus is a good example of a window sill plant. Firstly, because the cactus loves sunlight, albeit not with a direct hit, and secondly, it will be written out on the windowsill in the most compact and organic way. But now this solution in some interiors may not look so good because of its frequent use. So let's move on to other options.
Figure 1. Cacti
Aloe vera is a plant that is also familiar to wide circles. Buying a pot with it at home, you get not only a purely practical benefit - for example, aloe leaves and juice can be used to treat burns - but also an aesthetic pleasure: long, thin leaves with small spines will look a little more advantageous than non-flowering cacti. Aloe vera is an unpretentious plant. It should be watered every time the soil layer in the pot dries out to about 5 cm from the surface, which makes it a good option for busy owners who sometimes forget to take care of their roommates.
Figure 2. Aloe Vera
Dracaena, popularly known as "happy bamboo", unlike previous plants, will be a good option for darkened corners of the apartment. This plant will make lovers of Eastern culture happy - after all, it is in the best possible way corresponds to the basic provisions of harmony in Zen philosophy! Lucky bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is not recommended to put it on the windowsill. It is usually grown not in the soil, but directly in the water, which is changed once or twice a month - another plus in the piggy bank of dracaena.
Figure 3. Dracaena
If you are not satisfied with the predominance of green and want to decorate your apartment with something more colorful and bright, take a closer look at African violets. They will bring a bright purple color to the gamut of your home - one of the most unusual and attractive colors of the spectrum. Flowers of this shade will catch the eye in any interior. The only condition in caring for them is to water them once a week, but do not get water on the leaves - otherwise stains may form on them.
Figure 4. African violets
Another interesting option is lavender. He, unfortunately, is underestimated in modern home-grown flowers, but in vain. Lavender has a delicate aroma, while it is extremely effective in freshening the air. All these advantages are especially relevant in urban environments. Lavender is best placed on a window facing south - she loves the sun's rays very much, and her growth is highly dependent on the amount of solar energy consumed.
Figure 5. Lavender
Finally, I’ll talk about sansevieria, also known as the “pike tail”. Even a child can grow this plant - it is undemanding to the presence of sunlight, any temperature from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius suits it, and it is enough to water sansevieria once a week or less. An indestructible plant will be a great start for beginner growers who have no experience in caring for plants and want to try their hand at this business. Or for people who want to decorate their apartment with minimal effort.
Figure 6. Sansevieria
Thus, we can conclude that growing plants at home is one of the good ways to diversify the atmosphere in the house. Moreover, this activity does not always require a lot of time and effort - especially if you know which plants to pay attention to. Therefore, choose your green friends wisely - so they will decorate your home life for many years to come!