Modern designers offer their clients a huge number of different interior styles. Each of them stands out from the others in some way, attracting more and more fans with its features.
People very often face the choice of interior style before they are going to make repairs. Do they want to see their home in a modern high-tech style or in a cozy Provence? Or maybe they prefer the classic? We will try to explain to you the difference between the main interior styles that exist at the moment.
1. Hi-tech. This is a modern and very popular interior style now. It is based on minimalism - when there is nothing superfluous in the room. Hi-tech is based on the superiority of glass and metal, as well as an abundance of modern technology. Bright and very warm tones are not welcome here - preference is given to cold blue, black, gray shades. Various modern mechanisms are welcome. You can also often find a large number of glass surfaces in rooms decorated in this style. There are almost no textiles here. As for the financial part, high-tech is quite expensive, but it is suitable for both a spacious apartment and a private house. However, it is still better to apply it for urban dwellings.
2. Quite the opposite of high-tech style - classic. Palaces of the century before last were decorated in it; it amazes with its solemnity and luxury. Naturally, not everyone wants to create a palace in their home, but one cannot but agree that this style is very attractive. It focuses on ancient, antique furniture. The classic style requires a lot of space, so it will not be possible to place it in a small apartment with all the desire. As for the color palette, here you need to focus on warm colors, especially yellow, orange, red, brown. The attributes of this style are paintings on the walls, candlesticks on tables, huge chandeliers in several tiers, cuckoo clocks, and so on. It uses expensive textiles, like brocade, the fabric is embroidered with various ornaments.
3. Kitsch - unlike the two previous ones, this style challenges established traditions. It is based on chaos and on the unification of what cannot be united in a good way. In kitsch, bright colors, huge portraits and paintings on the entire wall are welcome. Here you can see a huge number of accessories and decor items - without them, it will simply be incomplete. The same applies to textiles - there are a lot of them. In fact, a kitsch-style room gives its owner unlimited imagination in his hands. The main condition is to create something chaotic and original to the maximum.
4. Provence is a very gentle and light style. It is perfect for a private small house located away from the city. If you wish, you can create such beauty in the apartment. The main condition of this style is lightness and closeness to nature. Wicker furniture is actively exploited here, there are practically no materials such as plastic, metal. In Provence, there are fresh flowers on the windows (which the above interior styles could not boast of). The fabrics here are light, the curtains are white or translucent. Cute vases, figurines, landscapes on the walls, painted dishes act as accessories. The color scheme is dominated by white, pink, light purple, green colors. This whole style seems to breathe calmness, comfort and love.
5. Modern - this style is rather ambiguous. It can be characterized by an abundance of wood, the replacement of straight lines with various curves, combinations of traditional and modern materials. There is no excessive pretentiousness in the furniture here. The distinctive features also include a variety of metal forging. When arranging a room in this style, you need to use accessories in moderation so that they are not too colorful.
6. Country. According to the description, it is very similar to Provence. There are no acidic and too bright colors that are not found in nature. This style also has a lot of natural and natural materials, there are flowers on the windows and in the rooms, light textiles, and small accessories harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the interior. It is worth noting as an added bonus the relatively low cost of materials to create this style.
7. Scandinavian style. It is more suitable for residents of the northern regions - it is not for nothing that this interior design originally originated in the region of Norway. It suggests the dominance of white tones (resemblance to snow), the absence of an abundance of decor items, natural furniture, a minimum of forging, pastel-colored textiles. An interesting addition: in such monochromatic interior styles, one bright spot will look very advantageous, be it a bedside table, a pillow or a lighting fixture. This is especially true for high-tech - the main thing is to choose the right color so that it is not just a lighter or darker continuation of one of the shades, but really something independent. This style can be called quite modern - this is evidenced by its minimalism, the predominance of white and gray colors, the use of not very expensive and natural materials.
8. Loft - this direction in interior design originated as an option for decorating basements for living space. Of course, now it is unlikely that anyone, as in the century before last, wants to settle in the attic or in the basement, but the idea remains the same. This style of interior is suitable for creative people who do not like to zone the room. The loft quite accepts the absence of partitions or walls between rooms - this is how you can safely decorate a studio apartment. A characteristic attribute of the style should be at least one wall, stylized as a brick. In general, the loft does not particularly welcome too bright colors, an abundance of decor items and solemnity. At the same time, there is no randomness here, as in kitsch. In some ways, the loft is similar to modern - it is important to be able to withstand the golden mean. This style can be applied both in the design of an apartment and a private house.
9. Japanese style is a rather subtle and exotic direction in interior design for lovers of the East and everything connected with it. It is important to note that this style is quite special, decorating your home with it, you need to be ready for innovation. In the Japanese style, there are often no tables, or they are replaced by small tables that are slightly off the floor in height. The basis of this style is minimalism, there are practically no accessories. There is another element that is rather difficult to implement in modern apartments - instead of Japanese-style walls, there are partitions that zone the room. As for color schemes, gentle soothing tones can be used here. An excellent option would be to install real Japanese furniture in your home or allocate space for tea ceremonies and yoga classes. As in country music, here you can focus on living plants. In general, the main task of the Japanese style is to create a home in which you can relax without being distracted from anything.
10. Baroque. Along with Empire and Rococo, it belongs to the classical styles. Of course, they have their differences, but the idea is the same - to convey solemn motifs in the interior, more characteristic of the century before last. It is important to emphasize that it is almost impossible to equip such a style in an apartment, so homeowners who respect the classics should pay attention to it. Such styles are characterized by expensive design: luxurious fabrics, precious metals, furniture. With minor additions, Gothic can also be attributed to this category of interior styles.
11. Constructivism - this style arose quite recently, less than a hundred years ago, but at the same time gained noticeable popularity. Its main principles are minimalism and practicality of every square meter. Unlike the Japanese style, this direction does not provide for division into several zones, the entire space as a whole has its own functional purpose. Here, as you can already guess, there is no particular abundance of decor. Muted pastel colors are also welcome, mostly dark shades, however, you can also focus on light ones. In fact, it was constructivism that was the basis of hi-tech, and some of its elements can be traced in the Scandinavian style. An additional bonus of constructivism in comparison with many other styles is the absence of expensive components. Everything that will be around you is created using modern and environmentally friendly materials. Basically, the emphasis is on white, and from the materials, preference is given to wood, from which the floor is very often made. This style, like hi-tech, is best used in large city apartments. However, there is no restriction on creating it in your home.
12. African style. This is a rather distinctive and exotic style, which is divided into Moroccan and Egyptian. In general, they have very few differences. The features of the Egyptian style include an abundance of interesting accessories (however, it is important not to go too far so that the room is not clogged with decor items). Most often these are figurines of various animals: zebras, lions, giraffes. Various masks are hung on the walls. As for materials, as a rule, the emphasis is on their naturalness. However, this is not only a tree familiar to many, but also more exotic materials, such as bamboo, leather, stone.
The color scheme is based on black, red, orange and yellow tones. Sometimes the rooms even look like ordinary African tribal huts, but in the context of an apartment or a private house, this solution looks rather unusual.
Of course, not all interior styles are listed in the article, which are generally divided into classical (Empire, Baroque, Rococo), modern (hi-tech, constructivism) and ethnic (Japanese, Scandinavian, Italian). We have described each of these species in such a way as to give an idea about it. Probably the biggest offshoot of them is ethnic styles. Each country has its own, original style - it is distinguished by its features and interesting details.